Part of the reason I created 'The Empty Places" website is because is my job. But another reason, and probably the biggest one, is because I didn't want to offend anyone. I still don't want to offend anyone, but I've been realizing more and more that I can't always separate my life as a Christian from that as an author.
I still won't shove my beliefs down your throat. I'll note new posts on The God Thing page, so if you're here at The Empty Places website, just remember, no one made you click on this post. I say that because it's easy to just ignore things we don't agree with, and I will delete hateful comments. Just as you're entitled to believe your way, I'm entitled to believe mine.
So... Moving on...
If anyone ever asks me, I'd have to say I've been a sorry excuse for a Christian most of my life. I don't pray like you'd think a Christian would. I just talk, and my prayers tend to be short and sweet. Or not so sweet. I don't like to read most of the old testament because much of it makes me ask questions that I fear will tick God off. I don't like reading Hebrews or Revelation in the new testament because they scare me. But I'm getting better at it - and am more than halfway through the bible. For the first time in my life.
How's that for being honest?
But the more I see what's going on in the world today (no, I'm not going to go all political on you, so I'd appreciate it if you don't either), the more I realize I can't keep hiding behind fear. Too much of what's going on was predicted to happen in the bible. If you don't believe me, Google 'fulfilled biblical prophecy.' It also goes hand-in-hand with a favorite series of mine, Left Behind.
More about those books in a minute, but first, a quick thought about the Get Out of Hell Free Card.
Once we accept Jesus as our Savior, God says no one can can pluck/snatch us from His hand. I believe that 100%, I also believe that we can remove ourselves. And we can do that by simply walking away. We can also do that by drifting along, thinking that 'getting saved' is all it takes. Sparing God a moment or two of our time - when it's convenient for us, usually at the end of the day, right before we fall asleep. We can also treat him like a genie in a bottle, crying out to him when we've gotten ourselves into a sticky situation and want Him to bail us out.
Being a Christian isn't a part-time or once in a while thing. If we don't grow and get stronger in our faith, then when the really hard times come, and they always do, that's when we risk falling away. And the bible is very clear that in the end times, many will. And if we find ourselves guilty of the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph, walking or falling away is more likely than not. And that will remove us from the narrow path to heaven, straight to the wide road to hell.
The thought of that terrifies me. I don't want me, anyone I know, or anyone reading this post to wind up on that wide road. And that's why I decided to write this tonight and post it here.
It sounds so easy. Just get saved and you're safe from an eternity in hell (which, by the way, won't be one big party with all of your friends). But I'm convinced it's not that simple. I believe there's more to it than that. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
God wants to be first in our lives, not someone we essentially ignore all day, then say a quick prayer 'at' right before we fall asleep with a mumbled, "Sorry, God, I'll try to do better tomorrow."
Back to the books...
I started reading the Left Behind series when my dad was dying. It was the only thing that could distract me from 'the call.' The one letting me know it was over. And it's that series that has kept coming to mind - over and over and over - the past couple of years. The twelve book series was very well researched and I would encourage anyone who has a digital e-reader and a spare $32.99 to get it by clicking here (that was an affiliate link - learn more about those here). Even if you're not a Christian, they're awesome reads.
The last thing I'll say about them is that I feel like I'm watching them play out before my eyes today. And it's scary.
Moving on again...
Hell is described as a lake of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For eternity. Eternity never ends. NEVER ends. So don't blow this off. Please? If there's the tiniest part of you that wonders whether God is real or not, check it out. Read the Left Behind books. Read the bible (This site has a lot of versions - free. My favorite is the New International Version). Watch some Robert Morris videos. That man has helped me understand more things about God and the bible than I would have ever believed possible. Watch The Chosen too. That's making a HUGE impact in my life. Maybe it can help you too.
You can say, well, Kristy, you can't prove there's a God, therefore I refuse to believe what you.
In the same way you'd give college two to four years of your life, take some time to check it out - with an open mind. I'm not saying four years, but make a sincere effort to seek God, to know Him ... and make an informed decision. Find a church to attend (I like Assembly of God churches). Counsel with a pastor.
But don't gamble your eternity on the fact that I can't prove God is real. If I'm right, that's a long time to regret a decision made without all the facts.